Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The little white puffs

Add ImageWe all hate weeds. I personally loathe them. They are wicked little things that make gardening so much more time consuming than it should be. One such weed that seems to pop up everywhere no matter how hard I try to keep it in check is the Dandelion. While many people think of the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a pesky weed, herbalists consider it a valuable herb with many culinary and medicinal uses. To most of us the display of those yellow flowers is just another sign that we have to put on our gloves and head outside for some much needed work. Having spent years complaining about this weed I have never fully looked at or considered it's beauty at certain times. I have recently (through my son) been appreciating and admiring the metamorphosis of the little white puff ball that accompanies this pesky and sometimes prickly plant. Upon close inspection (see photo) it is amazing to see the uniformity and perfection of nature as the flower turns into a delicate puff of seeds that are carried away...or in my house...blown away by an eager toddler. Now I understand why fields and fields of dandelion puffs can be the most fun afternoon for young eyes. I will continue to remove them from my flower beds and lawn but the artist in me has decided to let nature take its course (at least until my son moves on from his puff ball fascination).

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