Thursday, June 16, 2011

Have you ever had a real berry?

What is a real berry? I am browsing the supermarket and I pick up a plastic container of strawberries. They are somewhat glossy, large and an average shade of red. The problem here folks is that these strawberries like many do not taste like real berries. The kind of berries you used to eat when you were a kid from your grandmothers backyard. The kind of berry that you can smell when you sit at the table and is so juicy and flavorful that you cannot help grab handfuls. These berries are not uniform in shape, they are not grotesquely large...but just the sight of them and you know they are organic, natural and REAL. Sure you can go to the farmer's market and ask for organic berries but to me there is nothing that beats rolling up your sleeves and picking them yourself. Berry picking season is now upon us. I highly recommend the trip to a u-pick farm with the family. Not only will you have fun plucking berries but you will eat your share right there on the spot. Picking is also great for future freezing (that is a note to all you morning shake fans who use frozen fruit and pay a fortune for it). My newly discovered passion of the last few years are Boysenberries and Marionberries and I cannot wait to pick them. While there are many U-pick farms around (you can find one in your area by going to, the berry picking season is short (May-July for Strawberry, Boysenberry, Marionberry & Rasberry).

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