Friday, July 29, 2011

Hollyhocks, Sweet Pea and Toddlers Oh My!

Stepped outside the door a couple of days ago and the fragrant scent of sweet pea engulfed almost the entire periphery of the house. My 17 month old son has discovered that he can pick flowers (among other things) and smell them (or at least pretend to smell them). He has also delighted in the fact that you can pick the petals off the leaves and throw them up in the air. Maybe he thinks they will fly.

The portland weather has been cool and many things in the garden seem to be very behind. No cukes, only flowers and tomatoes are inching closer to ripeness but if the rain and lack of sun continues then we will be lucky to get tomatoes at all this year. The only positive news is that this cooler weather has allowed the kale, swiss chard and certain lettuces to really take off. My newest love of the week is lemon basil which I planted on a fluke and have been using it in everything (salads, fish and chicken dishes, etc.)

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