Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How it all began

Okay so today is my first ever blog. Hmmm. Lots to say. I decided to chronicle my adventures into this world of gardening because honestly...I don't know what the heck I am doing. Less than two years ago I was sitting in my condo near the Sunset Strip (yeah that Sunset Strip!) and gardening was the furthest thing from my mind. Yes I had these visions of having a house one day with beautiful flowers and land and all that...but a little house in LA with land is basically a million dollars, so the house idea was just a dream. Then upon my fateful move home to Oregon, I drove by this little cottage. Hidden away, in back of trees, a bit gray and worn. I stopped only because it was 3 blocks from where I grew up. The land was amazing. Lots of room and on a whim, I made an offer the next day. How am I going to afford two mortgages I thought? No idea but I just knew it would work out. My brain works in this strange creative way where I can see the end result or the possibilities and I knew this place was it! The back of the cottage had a huge plot which was perfect for an organic vegetable garden. Again, no idea how to plant, what to plant and words like mulch and compost were totally foreign to me.

A few weeks ago I commited. I hired someone to help me. As you can see, the space is very green but totally overgrown. The first course of action was to pull everything out. My new friend Catherine pulled and pulled while I sat and thought about what I wanted to eat...I mean plant. I decided that I wanted to use cedar beds. Let me tell you, they are not cheap! The plan was to use Cedar beds to plant in and use rock for the pathways. I already have rasberries growing in part of the plot, so those will stay put, everything else is going. I then needed soil which was delivered in a huge mound on my front lawn and mulch. Okay what is mulch? It's basically any type of material that is spread or laid over the surface of the soil, basically as a covering. The most common type is bark, but also can be grass clippings, leaves, straw, newspaper. It all helps the soil to retain moisture. Catherine had her work cut out for her. So it all began.

When I went to the nursery to pick out vegetables to plant, Um, there were no vegetables. Ok I am exaggerating but basically people have now caught on. The price of organic veggies is starting to become ridiculous. $5 dollars for two organic tomatoes at Whole foods. One vine tomato plant can yield 10-25 tomatoes I am told, throughout the season. I just planted 5 tomato plants, so we shall see. Here is the full list of what was planted yesterday and today. Catherine seems to think this will feed at least 3 people if not more.

Sweet Corn
Peppers (red and yellow)
Arugula and mixed european salad mix

Also planted wild native strawberries, huckleberry (also native) and oregon grape (used more for cooking than eating).

I think I've gone a little insane but what the heck. Pics of the garden in it's "after" state below.

Nature at it's finest.

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