Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Purple and Pink!

I noticed for the first time this year just how much purple and pink there is in my flower garden. I am surrounded by various hues ranging from periwinkle to fuchsia and the color combinations are amazing. I decided however that I need to focus on other color pallets as well that I love like yellows and whites. Strangely I have some great deep red colors (that I didn't plant) which pop up every year in the form of crimson peonies, burgundy bee balm and a few fantastic red Rhododendrons that are strategically placed to catch ones eye.

Bearded Iris
Pink Rhododendron
Purple Lilac
Pink Lupine
Lavender & Cosmos

I spent a week this month really trying to amend my soil in the garden and plant the veggies. Although the weather was gorgeous for almost the entire week, it ended with a down pour. My son, who is now 2 is constantly asking me when the raspberries will be ready and it's very hard to explain to one so young that these things take time but are so well worth the wait. Next up, is the planting of the butterfly garden I have been promising myself I would put in. I am trying to get the perfect combination of flowers that will attract a variety of butterflies this year. We shall see what happens.