Monday, April 16, 2012

Butterflies and Spring planting

I caught a few butterflies out and about and became hopeful that maybe this season was going to be a long gardening period. Spring planting is upon us and this time of year excites me because everything is new again and I can enjoy the simple beginnings before all the hard work of weeding, watering and fertilizing become all too familiar. Once I get the usual suspects into the ground this month I will turn my attention to things I want to experiment in. Perhaps a few different heirloom varieties that I have been wanting to try. Better yet I have been wanting to do more radishes and beans, something I haven't been too successful in the last few years. Below is my planting guide and we shall see what gets into the ground this month and next. Here's praying for a hot Portland Summer.

Planting Guide:
Swiss Chard;
Cucumber; pickling, lemon and
Tomatoes; sweet 100, early girl, Brandywine,
Beans; french runner
Squash - haven't been successful but will try again

Rhubarb, strawberries, rasberries, black currant, asparagus already growing.