Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chicken Coop Envy

For years while I was dreaming about having my own garden, I also dreamt of egg laying chickens frolicking in the yard and being able to simply go and get fresh eggs everyday. It was a "city girl wanting a country life" type of dream and the reality of chickens never happened (not yet anyway). But lo and behold, the next best thing to actually owning chickens is your friendly neighbors owning chickens.

That is what happened last week in the neighborhood. My good friends and neighbors bought three beautiful chickens. Handy Tod built the chicken coop and I had the pleasure of finding the first egg when his wife Molly and I ventured out in the rain to check on them. The kids were beside themselves and Jacob started to point across the street and saying "bok bok bok". Now all Molly and Tod have to do is become chicken experts and I suspect will be supplying all us close friends (wink wink) with fresh eggs. They have named the new members of their family Kennie and Toddie.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Splendor

Usually this time of year is my favorite. Okay well it's a second close to mid summer when the entire garden is in bloom. Fall has it's own mystique and vibrancy and depending where one lives it can be breathtaking.

He wants the biggest one!
So many pumpkins, so little time
I went with Jacob to The Flower Farmer in Canby. Although I had gone to Sauvie's Island in the past, this place had a train and well, in my house anyplace with a train wins. Truly beautiful and set on acres of land where children run around trying to pick the perfect pumpkins. The mini train makes one stop so the kids can feed the animals (donkey, chickens, goats and rabbits) and then goes onto the patch. They even get to pick out their own little pumpkins. It's much quieter than Sauvie's Island (where I usually go) and there are spots to sit (and play) where you can totally be on your own if you choose. There is a farmer's market as well that is quaint and sells the seasonal offerings. Flower Farmer also sells lots of flowers in the summer months and does an annual Basil & Art Festival in August.