Friday, May 13, 2011


It has been quite a while since my last posting. I have been busy becoming a mother (15 months ago) and also taking care of my own mother. Several seasons have come and gone but now I have a new little person to share my love of nature, gardening and photography with. I noticed within just a few weeks time that the Rhubarb I planted a year ago has doubled in size. I now have enough to make several pies or jars of jam and freeze some for the winter. Rhubarb was something I never thought I would like and it was an homage to my late father that I decided to plant it in my garden. Lo and behold, after making Rhubarb jam I fell in love with the sweet/tart combo and now I am hooked (now I know why my father always wanted me to try it).

Jacob my son is now walking and exploring the back yard and garden. He is obsessed with the garden boxes and wants to pick the leaves (see below). He is aware of the world around him and pointing to birds and bugs with awe and the sheer excitement that comes from seeing such creatures for the first time.

As for spring planting, I got alot of things in the ground a couple of weeks ago but it was still too cold for cukes and tomatoes. The chives are in abundance (great with scrambled eggs). This weekend is when my favorite veggies will go into the ground and I will pray for a good sunny summer here in Portland. I am eagerly awaiting June and July for the full and awesome display of flowers. The trellis is covered with greenery and tiny buds that will soon bloom into what is still my favorite flower, the rose.