Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How quickly it grows!!!

Its been a while since I've written and mostly life has made it hard to sit down and truly focus on words. When it comes to my garden I am amazed at how quickly things grow. In two months there is a vast difference...from bare to lush. With a shorter summer in the Pacific Northwest, the days free of rain are so welcome. The goal for this Summer is to have a bigger veggie bounty and simply try to relax, breathe and take whatever comes my way.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monet would be proud

Spring has arrived!! The pink hues have overshadowed the winter blues and the rain keeps bringing more blossoms. I was away in smoggy LA and although it was sunny and warm, I was happy to return to Portland and find my yard filled with a rainbow of colors. Many yellow daffodils, pink and blue hyacinths and the most beautiful pink flowering currant tree. I could not resist but take photos with my quirky lens. The result was a Monet like display of photos.