Sunday, July 20, 2008


Went to an amazing place yesterday called Willamette-Land Farm to pick fresh berries. About 30 minutes from Portland. Never had a real Boysenberry or Marionberry before. What are they you ask? Good question. Basically they are both crosses of our favorite type of berries. A Boysenberry is a cross between the raspberry and blackberry. See the picture below as they get huge in size and the flavor. Sweet like a raspberry with hints of tartness from the blackberry.

A Marionberry is native to Oregon and 90% of all Marionberries come from here. Named after the county (Marion) in which they were first discovered, a Marion is a cross between two types of blackberries. You could get lost in this mine-field of berries but not only did I enjoy picking and eating them but I made my first EVER batch of homemade jam. A lovely Raspberry-Marionberry-Boysenberry mix. Gonna try it and give it out to family and friends today for the first time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today's fresh pickings

So came back from Los Angeles to find the new veggie garden full of life and food. It's amazing what a little time does to the growing process. Here was the first day of picking. Salad galore and lots of herbs. The Raspberries are out in full force and I suspect by little neighbor (who was watering while I was away) ate his fair share.